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Support with pain

Pain Management and Cancer Support

Whilst I am not a medical professional and therefore am not qualified to diagnose, treat or cure medical conditions per se, I can teach you ways to cope with the changes to your life brought about by a chronic health issue. I can also provide you with tried and tested techniques that you can use in your daily life to manage, reduce and in some cases eliminate the pain you are experiencing, enabling you the freedom to in life to do the things you enjoy.


Depending on your circumstances, I may work with your General Practitioner or Hospital Consultant whilst you are engaging in hypnotherapy.



I am a trained in hypno-oncology and whilst it’s important to note that I do not treat or cure cancer and that therapy is not a substitute for treatments provided by a hospital or medical practitioner, I can provide support those who are on a cancer journey. My techniques can help to provide relief from symptoms, reduce anxiety and nausea during chemotherapy and anxiety and depression post chemotherapy, reduce fear and phobias around needles, improve appetite, reduce post-surgery pain. I teach relaxation techniques and self-hypnosis, all of which can help a cancer patient to be more empowered and in control of their cancer symptoms. 

On-going support is also offered to those clients who feel they would benefit from regular check in’s and support once the initial hypnotherapy course is complete.

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