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Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy and EMDR Explained.

What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a successful, safe and natural way of treating an array of emotional, psychological and habitual problems, without the use of medication or side-effects.

Hypnotherapy has  been used for thousands of years to treat both common and uncommon ailments. The word "hypnosis” was derived from the Greek word “hypnos”, meaning “sleep",although a person in hypnosis is not actually asleep but in a state of very deep relaxation. While the body relaxes, blood pressure and heart rate decrease as with any other relaxation technique. The mind however remains fully awake and becomes more attentive.

The client is always aware of what is happening and can open their eyes at any time.

Hypnotherapists typically use a set of techniques, in order to promote focussed attention and reduce peripheral awareness, allowing the subconscious mind to be reached.


Whilst in a hypnotic state the subconscious mind is more responsive to suggestions made by the Hypnotherapist, who is able, through the use of these suggestions to change thought patterns by removing or resolving unwanted or negative thoughts, feelings, ideas or habits and introducing new, healthier ideas, using a variety of methods. Suggestions which have travelled to the subconscious mind become beliefs if a person allows them to, which in turn enables them to make the lasting changes which they desire.

A hypnotherapist cannot control an individual's mind, they simply guide, so that they can master their own.

Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy explained
Image by youssef naddam

What is Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy is a form of talking therapy (counselling), which can help you to have a better understanding of your emotional difficulties and explore what needs to happen for you to make changes to your life or simply to cope with things which cannot be changed.

I am an integrative, person-centred therapist which means that I will listen to you and use a number of different techniques including CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy), to help you to find those ways to increase your happiness, change behaviour or overcome problems. I do this with an empathetic understanding which is non- judgemental allowing you to feel safe and supported.

I am a professional and accredited Psychotherapist who can help you to cope with:

  • Mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression and PTSD. 

  • Difficult life events such a relationship break-down or bereavement.

  • Difficult emotions such as anger or low self-esteem.

What is EMDR?

Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing or (EMDR) is an evidence-based, psychotherapy method which focuses on the mind/body connection and aims to address memories of a past trauma, which is still distressing today.

This distressing memory might be triggering an emotional response in the form of intrusive thoughts, flashbacks, hyper-vigilance, nightmares anxiety, intense fear or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).


EMDR uses bilateral stimulation, which usually involves eye movements but sometimes tapping or sound is used, depending on a person’s individual needs and preferences. The aim is to reprocess the memories linked to a trauma.


During a traumatic incident, different parts of the brain usually communicate with each other in a way which enables a person to fully process what’s happening and come to terms with the incident. The memory is then stored according to perception of that incident.


Difficulties arise when a particularly intense memory, which is difficult to process gets stuck during the processing and storage procedure. This can result in it being re- awakened, when a present-day problem triggers the past memory and results in a person reliving the trauma again and again. 


EMDR aims to reprocess the trauma, so that it no longer produces the same emotional response. EMDR can be used on its own or as an addition to hypnotherapy or talking therapy.

Image by Gabrielle Henderson
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